Maternal & Infant
Health Advocacy

The Bronx Health Link amplifies the voices of Bronx residents and community-based organizations and equips them with the tools to achieve health equity. Join a breastfeeding, safe sleep, self-care, and maternal depression workshop.

In NYC, Black and Brown women are 10 times more likely to die from childbirth-related causes as white women.

In The Bronx, that figure is as high as 34 women dying of childbirth-related causes. The Bronx Health Link amplifies the voices of local residents and community-based organizations and equips them with the tools to achieve health equality. Click here to read health news and reports.

Please help us by supporting the work of The Bronx Health Link, Inc.

The Bronx Health Link, Inc. is thrilled to host a FREE viewing event followed by a panel discussion for

Toxic: A Black Woman’s Story

Join us on Thursday May 09 2024 at 5:00 PM at Hostos Community College for a night of empowerment and discussion. This event celebrates the resilience and strength of Black women through the screening of the powerful documentary "Toxic: A Black Woman's Story". Come together with like-minded individuals to watch, learn, and engage in meaningful conversations. Let's uplift and support each other as we explore the challenges and triumphs of Black women. Don't miss out on this inspiring event!

Zoom Perinatal Classes in May

Clases perinatales Zoom en mayo

  • Taller de Lactancia Materna

    En este taller remoto de 2 horas de TBHL / MIH Project, el objetivo es ayudar a las personas a tomar decisiones informadas sobre la alimentación infantil. Proporcionaremos información clave sobre la lactancia materna (por ejemplo, técnica de succión, posiciones, señales de alimentación, experiencia hospitalaria), abordaremos barreras y desafíos, y fortaleceremos la autoeficacia en la lactancia materna.

  • Breastfeeding Workshop

    A TBHL /MIH Project, the goal of this 2-hr. remote workshop is to help people make an informed decision about infant feeding by providing participants with key breastfeeding information (e.g., latching, positions, feeding cues, hospital experience); exploring and addressing barriers, misconceptions and challenges with breastfeeding; and build self-efficacy about breastfeeding.

  • Infant Safe Sleep Workshop

    This 60-minute virtual workshop provides people of childbearing age, parents, and caregivers with evidence-based information about the importance of infant safe sleep behaviors, addresses common concerns, and provides additional resources to help caregivers keep infants safe during sleep time.

  • Self Care Workshop

    TBHL and the MIH Project will assist participants in understanding self care as a way to manage stress. This is a 60-minute remote interactive workshop, funded by the 'Improving Health Equity and Maternal and Infant Health Outcomes" (MIH) project.

  • Taller de Cuidados Personales

    TBHL y el Proyecto MIH ayudarán a los participantes a comprender el autocuidado como una forma de controlar el estrés. Se trata de un taller interactivo remoto de 60 minutos, financiado por el proyecto "Mejora de la equidad en salud y los resultados de salud materna e infantil" (MIH).

  • Taller de depresión materna

    Este taller virtual de 60 minutos brindará a los participantes información sobre la importancia de conductas seguras para dormir para los bebés, abordará inquietudes y brindará recursos adicionales para ayudar a los cuidadores a mantener a los bebés seguros durante el tiempo de sueño.

  • Maternal Depression Workshop

    This 60-minute virtual workshop will help participants define maternal depression and understand the difference between the "baby blues" and maternal depression. Additionally, identify resources that a pregnant or parenting person can access to support them if they are experiencing feelings of depression or anxiety.

  • Taller de sueño seguro

    Este taller virtual de 60 minutos brindará a los participantes información sobre la importancia de conductas seguras para dormir para los bebés, abordará inquietudes y brindará recursos adicionales para ayudar a los cuidadores a mantener a los bebés seguros durante el tiempo de sueño.

Portabebés con Rosdaly Ramírez

Baby-wearing with Rosdaly Ramirez

  • The TBHL / MIH Project is excited to present a virtual baby-wearing workshop featuring guest doula Rosdaly Ramirez. Discover the art of safely carrying your baby and the benefits of babywearing. In this informative remote workshop, you'll be introduced to the world of wraps, slings, and structured infant carriers.

  • El Proyecto TBHL / MIH se complace en presentar un taller virtual sobre porteo de bebés con la doula invitada Rosdaly Ramírez. Descubre el arte de llevar a tu bebé con seguridad y los beneficios del porteo. En este taller informativo a distancia, conocerá el mundo de las envolturas, los cabestrillos y los portabebés estructurados.

TBHL Programs

TBHL in the community!