Free clothes, school supplies and furniture in New York City

Find information on New York City area free clothing closets, furniture bank, charities and thrift stores. There are also free back to school supplies for children from pre-K to high school age. The centers provide everything from free furniture to clothes to low income families, diapers, back to school supply programs for students, or laptops. There may also be free household appliances as well as other free stuff to low income families in NYC.

Distribution centers are located in all boroughs, including Queens, Brooklyn, Staten Island, the Bronx, and Manhattan. Some of the locations will provide free “new items” such as clothes or household items as well as personal stuff. There are also baby supplies, work attire, school supplies, furniture such as a bed for an apartment and more to low income families. Other centers will sell gently used items.

In addition to providing low cost or free clothes, some of the New York City centers will offer additional aid, such as food, shelter, or referrals to emergency assistance or household goods - even free desktop computers. If a location is not near you, or can’t meet your needs, then they can often provide referrals to other programs or local charities.


Bronx Health Link

The Bronx Health Link amplifies the voices of Bronx residents and community-based organizations and equips them with the tools to achieve health equity.

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